
Management is the set of actions to be implemented so that an organization can pursue the objectives set in the business planning and make choices regarding the relationships between its constituent elements.  
The theme of management is developed within the Engineering courses around the key concept of the enterprise as an open system that interacts with the environment by exchanging resources (products, services, information, financial resources, technologies, know-how, human resources, etc.). The theme of management is structured in some main parts that can be summarized as follows:

  • Organization, i.e. the ways in which work is divided and coordinated between people and, at a more aggregate level, between organizational units. The company organization therefore includes all that corpus of knowledge needed to understand the functioning of organizations as complex systems, characterized by different parts, with distinct functions, linked by hierarchical or non-hierarchical relationships and by a network of informal relationships.
  • Decision-making processes, which explain how people, organizational units and entire organizations make decisions, or rather how they, faced with a problem, identify some alternatives and come to select one in contexts characterized by scarce resources and uncertainty
  • Interface management, consists in governing relations with other players in the wider economic system and, in particular, with the "upstream" and "downstream" markets.
  • Marketing, an aspect of business management that focuses in particular on the management of downstream interfaces and in particular on relations with the outlet markets for products and services
  • Purchasing and supply chain, an aspect of business management that focuses on the management of upstream interfaces, specifically procurement markets, suppliers, supply chain partners.


  • Cainarca Gian Carlo
  • Cincotti Silvano
  • Massa Silvia
  • Testa Stefania
Last update 19 January 2022