Tecnologie Impianti e Simulazione - uo Simulazione Genova e Savona-ENG

SIMULATION TEAM LAB, Genova (Tecnologie Impianti e Simulazione - u.o. Simulazione Genova RADRL Prof. Agostino Bruzzone)

SIMULATION TEAM LAB, Savona (Tecnologie Impianti e Simulazione - u.o. Simulazione Savona RADRL Prof. Agostino Bruzzone)

M&S (Modeling and Simulation) is a Strategic Science devoted to re-create and execute the reality by using models to support experimentation, design, engineering, training, capacity assessment, ect. M&S represents the set of activities of planning, design, development, implementation, verification, validation and accreditation of Models and Simulators and it is assumed to consider mainly M&S working on Computer Systems and Cloud Solutions. We define Simulation as the reproduction of Reality 'through’ the use of Models, usually operating on Computers; Simulation allows us to build "virtual" environments on which reproduce the evolution of the Model of the Real System under specific consideration, boundary conditions, going to define Scenarios and Targeted Experiments. The STLabs are focused on new Paradigms such as MS2G (Modeling, interoperable Simulation & Serious Games), MSaaS (Modeling & Simulation as a Service) Interoperability. A broad range of applications is included: Logistics, Industrial Plants, Project Management, Defense and Homeland Security.


•    Simulation Lab in DIME Genoa, Downstairs, via Opera Pia 15, 16145 GE
•    Simulation Lab in DIME Savona Campus, Palazzina Delfino, via A. Magliotto 2, 17100 SV


•    Agostino G. Bruzzone
•    Andrea Reverberi


•    Kirill Sinelshchikov
•    Marina Massei
Temi di ricerca (inserire i temi di ricerca sviluppati nel laboratorio)
•    Simulation
•    Modeling
•    Interoperability
•    Artificial Intelligence
•    Machine Learning
•    Fuzzy Logic
•    Genetic Algorithms
•    Intelligent Agents
•    Strategic Engineering
•    Autonomous Systems
•    Decision Support Systems
•    Industrial Plants
•    Industrial Plant Engineering
•    Logistics
•    Marine Sector
•    Port Activities
•    Production
•    Project Management
•    Safety & Security
•    Supply Chain Management
•    Business Process Re-Engineering
•    Defence
•    Homeland Security

Last update 19 January 2022